Human memory works nothing like a video camera. 人的记忆其实根本就不是摄像机那样。
Human memory works like a video camera, accurately recording the events we see and hear so that we can review and inspect them later. 人类的记忆力就像是摄像机,会把我们看到和听到的东西正确、完全的记录下来,这样我们就可以在之后回顾它们。
Consider Ayumu, a young male chimpanzee at Kyoto University who, in a 2007 study, put human memory to shame. 比如说在日本京都大学(KyotoUniversity)2007年的一项研究中,一只名为步(Ayumu)的雄性小黑猩猩的记忆力就让人类自愧不如。
However, this view has met with some criticism, mainly based on how human memory or knowledge is rarely shown to be so rigidly organised. 然而,这一观点受到了一些批评,其理由主要是人类的记忆或知识很少表明是如此严格的被组织起来的。
Word lists are a typical tool for testing someone's ability to remember and recall items, and can be designed and adapted to analyse a wide variety of human memory abilities. 单词表就是用以测试记忆和回想条目能力的典型工具,它可以被设计并适合于分析人类记忆能力的多样性。
I was immediately certain that I wanted to explore at human memory. 我很快确定了我想要研究人类记忆的课题。
But while human memory is fragile and subject to change, it should not be underestimated. 但即使人类的记忆很脆弱,易于变化,也不应被低估。
When our tools and our human memory fail us, we must go out and try again to capture art in real life. 当我们的方法和记忆误导我们时,必须要跳出思维的框框,再次尝试着在现实生活中捕捉艺术。
Human memory being as fallible as it is. 人的记忆本身可能有差错。
But in a new study, a psychology expert at London's Goldsmiths College says these experiences are proof of the frailty of the human memory, rather than evidence of life in other galaxies. 英国专家近日表示,声称自己见过外星人的人可能是那些人的记忆系统出了某些问题而已。
Surveys the literature on the cognitive and neural organization of human memory and learning. 概述认知和人类记忆与学习的神经组织方面的文献观点。
The fact that the controversy surrounding human memory has been marked more by analogy than definition suggests, however, that memory is a far more complex phenomenon than has been uncovered thus far. 事实上人类多记忆的争论多是一种类似的比喻而非精确定义。这表明记忆这一现象远比我们发现的要复杂。
On the Law of Human Memory in the Role of Second Language Acquisition from a Cognitive Perspective 从认知的角度谈人类记忆规律在第二语言习得中的作用
Professor Eric Kandel, who won a Nobel Prize for his study of the biology of the human memory, says best way to save your memories is to keep your brain in good shape. 因研究人类记忆生物学而荣获诺贝尔奖的艾瑞克·坎戴尔教授说,拯救你记忆的最佳办法就是让你的大脑保持良好的状态。
Ever doubt your memory? A new research suggests that human memory is not only faulty, but susceptible to "remembering" phony events. 曾经怀疑过你的记忆吗?一项新的研究提出,人的记忆不仅是不完善的,而且很容易“记住”不曾发生过的事情。
Once receive my doctorate, I intend to pursue research on human memory while teaching psychology to undergraduates at a small, liberal arts college, similar to the one I attended. 一旦我获得了博士头衔,我将全身心地投入到人类记忆的研究工作当中,同时在一个小的文科学院里教授心理学。
Based on such study, the content and method of vocabulary instruction should be in accordance with the working mechanism of human memory. 词汇教学应根据记忆的阶段性特征安排符合记忆规律的教学内容和方法。
The "memory" of institutions overriding or taking precedence over human memory. They'll be transmitted ahead of all other classes of cables. 机构的“记忆”高于或优先于人类的记忆。它们将比其他各类电报优先拍发。
The embryo and childhood of dance can be traced back to the first days of human beings, far exceeding human memory. 舞蹈的萌芽和形成时间,可以远溯到人类发展的洪荒时期,远远超出了人类的记忆范围。
No human memory is so arranged as to recollect everything in continuous sequence. 人的记忆不能顺序逐一重温旧事。
An intriguing possibility raised by the hypothesis is that the primary role of human memory may not be to remember the past, but to imagine and prepare for the future. 该假设提出了一种有趣的可能性:人类记忆的主要作用可能不是为了追忆过去,而是为了想象未来,以及为未来做准备。
Human memory often involves an unconscious process of selection and distortion, the better to believe the stories we tell others. 人类的记忆总是包括无意识的选择和扭曲过程,相信我们给别人讲的故事对我们自身更有益处。
I intend to spend the rest of my professional life researching the nature of human memory and solving the riddle posed yet cunningly dodged by generations of philosophers and psychologists. 我愿意用我的职业生涯去探索人类的记忆,并解决这一困扰历代哲学家和心理学家的难题。
The creation of archetypal symbols builds a deep link between the literature work and the infinite of human memory thus enriched the novels with deeper and more profound significance. 原型象征的创造,使作品与人类无限的记忆建立了深层的联系,小说就具有更加丰富而深广的意味。
Research on Application of Human Memory Characteristic for Product Design 人记忆特性在产品设计中应用的研究
Burned Library and Rewritten Human Memory 被焚毁的图书馆和被改写的人类记忆
Autobiographical memory is a new field of human memory research. 自传体记忆是人类记忆研究中的一个新领域。
Reacting to the mechanistic nature of computer models of human memory, Craik and Lockhart ( 1972) argued that memory depends on what learners do as they encode new information. 克雷克与洛克哈特(Craik&Lockhart)对信息的处理水平和记忆的关系作了大量的开创性的研究。他们在1972年提出了记忆的加工水平模式。
The discussion to autobiographical memory greatly expanding the study of human memory, at the same time let people have deeper understanding to human memory and even human spiritual world. 对自传体记忆的探讨极大地拓展了人类记忆研究的内容,使人们对人类记忆乃至精神世界有了更深刻的认识。
False memory, like the correct memory, contains essential information of human memory. 错误记忆同正确记忆一样包含着记忆的本质信息。